Sunday 23 March 2014

The Journey Begins

The Beginning!

Welcome to the blog, charting my journey through the British Airways Future Pilot Programme (FPP) with CTC.  I’ll update this as regularly as I can, although the next few months of ground school don’t promise too much interesting action so the exciting updates should come in 6 months when we make it over to New Zealand to commence the flying side of things. It’s already been a tough road to get to this position, and I’m delighted to finally start the training having got all the preparation and assessments out of the way! 

In Brief: The Journey so Far

I applied to the FPP back in autumn 2012, and having made it through the stages at both CTC (the school whom I’m now training with) and British Airways it was a very tense wait for the results.  Happily, (after much email refreshing) I found out I was successful – that was back in April 2013!  After a short wait I was given a start date with CTC in March 2014, which then left a very long wait to the start of my training.  Fortunately in the intervening time I managed to do some travelling and save a bit of money, all while eagerly anticipating the start date! 

BA Family Day

Last week we had our British Airways Family Day, which meant I could meet my fellow BA FPPers and course liaison pilots – it also helped in making the whole process feel like it was becoming a reality.  BA has chosen three Flight Training Organisations (FTOs) to train their FPP cadets, so we split off in groups to spend the day with our respective FTOs, in my case there were 6 of us from CTC.  The day was excellent, and gave us an opportunity to speak to current pilots / cadets / staff from CTC to find out exactly what the next 18 months and beyond were going to entail.  We started with a go on the 747 simulator, landing and taking off in Cape Town (with mixed success!), and then had a tour of the Safety Equipment and Procedures (SEP) hall where we got to ‘fly’ in the 737 while the cabin filled with smoke and have a go at operating the emergency doors.  The day was a great starting point for our training, and gave me a renewed enthusiasm and excitement for the career ahead!

Watching the 737 fill with smoke:

The epaulettes were presented to us at the Meet & Greet, while BA gave us the model at the family day - it will serve as useful motivation!

Moving to Southampton

Last Thursday I loaded the car up to head down to Southampton for our Meet & Greet day at CTC.  I arrived at Nursling with the other cadets, where we were given our keys and offloaded with a large bag of uniform and a flight case.  We headed across to our accommodation, where we are split across five flats in a large building near the centre of Southampton.  I’ve got three other guys in my flat, and once we all unloaded we headed for a quick bite before meeting up with parents back at Nursling for the CTC Meet & Greet presentation.

Friday was Airline Preparation Day 1 (APD1), to which we all arrived too early in our shiny new uniform.  I did make sure I got the ‘first day’ photo to send to mum, and the day consisted of a few introductions and general discussions around what to expect for the next few months and the lifestyle of an airline pilot.  It was a really useful day, and I look forward to more of these to come! 

One of the key messages since we’ve got here was not to fall behind during the first phase of ground school – something which has been repeated many times.  I think it’ll be hard work!  So what exactly is next? Ground school consists of two modules split into seven subjects each.  Our first subject, Aircraft General Knowledge, begins tomorrow. We will have to hit the ground running, although at this stage I’m just excited to get started after all this time!  It’s been a really fun few days – lots to take in already and I’ve enjoyed getting to know my new course mates in what could be our last stress-free weekend for a little while.

I’ll endeavour to update the blog when I can – ‘till then!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post...please keep updating your journey.
